
New Residential Complex Neuburger Straße, bpd Immobilienentwicklung GmbHTo the project

New Construction Children's House Plus, Gemeinde UnterhachingTo the project

New Construction of Student Housing Leonhard-Paminger-Street, Studentenwerk Niederbayern/OberpfalzTo the project

Lechfeld Meadows V, Markt KauferingTo the project

Renovation and Expansion of Kaufering Elementary School, Markt KauferingTo the project

Renovation of Kaufering Middle School, Markt KauferingTo the project

Conversion and Expansion of Hartkirchen Fire Department Building, Stadt PockingTo the project

New Construction of Oberindling Fire Department, Stadt PockingTo the project

Hotel Expansion "Das Mühlbach", privatTo the project

Expansion of St. Georg Kindergarten, Gemeinde SchauflingTo the project

New Construction of Nuntius Pacelli Daycare Center, Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat MünchenTo the project

New Construction of Primary and Middle School, Gemeinde NeuendettelsauTo the project

Renovation of Kiderlinstraße Middle School, Stadt FürthTo the project

Expansion of Feodor-Lynen Gymnasium, Gemeinde PlaneggTo the project

Conversion and Expansion of Fire Station Pocking, Stadt PockingTo the project

New Construction of Student Apartments Waldwiesenstraße 21, P.P.B. Passauer Projekt Bau GmbHTo the project

Würmtalstraße 83, P.P.B. Passauer Projekt Bau GmbHTo the project

Feldafinger Platz 5, P.P.B. Passauer Projekt Bau GmbHTo the project

At Knie 7, P.P.B. Passauer Projekt BauTo the project

Conversion and Expansion of Volunteer Fire Brigade Unterschleißheim, Stadt UnterschleißheimTo the project

Expansion of AWO Childcare Center Neustift, AWO Bezirksverband Ndb-OpfTo the project

a-ja resort - Garmisch Partenkirchen, DSR Hotel GarmischTo the project

Renovation of Workshop Building Gäubodenkaserne, Staatliches Bauamt LandshutTo the project

New Construction of a Residential and Commercial Building, Eduard PflieglTo the project

Renovation of Eggenfelden Tax Office, Staatliches Bauamt PassauTo the project

Office Expansion, WERNER CompaniesTo the project

New Construction Fire Station Bayerbach, Gemeinde BayerbachTo the project

Residential Park Rosenau, ZS-WohnbauTo the project

Residential Complex Michendorf, RLTY VermögensverwaltungTo the project

Officials' Quarter Pfaffenhofen, Oberbayerische HeimstätteTo the project

Student Dormitory Spitalhofstraße, P.I.M. Passauer Immobilien GmbHTo the project

New Construction Town Hall Berg, Gemeinde Berg am Starnberger SeeTo the project